
I’m tired of getting crap for wearing a face mask at work.

Yes, you read the right; I get crap for wearing a face mask at work. I work as a door greater (yeah yeah, I know. I need to pack up and end that gig before I waste any more time than I already have) and I get multiple customers every day that comment on my wearing a face mask. It's a regular face mask with no graphic on it, so there shouldn't be any reason to get upset over it, right? Well, apparently not. Customers need to take time and lecture me on how the 'pandemic is over' and how I look ridiculous. You know what? I respect YOUR decision NOT to wear a mask, why can't you respect my decision too?

Yes, you read the right; I get crap for wearing a face mask at work. I work as a door greater (yeah yeah, I know. I need to pack up and end that gig before I waste any more time than I already have) and I get multiple customers every day that comment on my wearing a face mask. It's a regular face mask with no graphic on it, so there shouldn't be any reason to get upset over it, right? Well, apparently not. Customers need to take time and lecture me on how the 'pandemic is over' and how I look ridiculous. You know what? I respect YOUR decision NOT to wear a mask, why can't you respect my decision too?

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