
Quit after my third day.. tl:Dr at bottom

Sorry for formatting, I'm on mobile. So to start, I left my previous job that was a 40 minute commute, purely because I didn't want those miles on my car, and I found something closer to home, and paid slightly more. We agreed starting Sunday (this just passed Sunday) I would work 11am to 7pm, then Monday and Tuesday would be 3pm to 10pm No issues. I get there and they said it was supposed to be 7am to 3pm. (This was for training. Mind you they hired me for 2nd shift.) They said it was fine. The next day I show up at 3, they said it was supposed to be 11-7 because ???. The next day, they didn't tell me about the change again, I arrived at 3, they told me it was 11-7… Now the worst part, because of their fuck ups, today I was supposed to…

Sorry for formatting, I'm on mobile.

So to start, I left my previous job that was a 40 minute commute, purely because I didn't want those miles on my car, and I found something closer to home, and paid slightly more.

We agreed starting Sunday (this just passed Sunday) I would work 11am to 7pm, then Monday and Tuesday would be 3pm to 10pm No issues. I get there and they said it was supposed to be 7am to 3pm. (This was for training. Mind you they hired me for 2nd shift.) They said it was fine. The next day I show up at 3, they said it was supposed to be 11-7 because ???. The next day, they didn't tell me about the change again, I arrived at 3, they told me it was 11-7…

Now the worst part, because of their fuck ups, today I was supposed to work. Only for three hours so whatever. Not only would today be 4 of the 6 days I was supposed to work this week, (we discussed 4 days a week only) they gave me an address that went OUT OF STATE! That's not where I actually had to go, and I could've found where I was supposed to go. However, due to all of their mistakes in only 4 days of me being employed by them, I quit today. I found another job not even 40 mins after quitting and I have orientation next Wednesday.

Then after I said I quit because of bad communication, they said (literally copied the text) ” Okay. You were given a printout of the training schedule when you left here. Can't get more clear than that. Good luck in your future “

Obviously that got me mad. So I replied (again, copied my text) ” You guys changed the training times on me three days in a row!!! Can't get more confusing than that!!!! Good luck in your future”

Don't deal with companies bullshit. Of course they probably tried because I'm young (over 20 but no where near 30) and probably wanted to see what they could get away with. Not much. I didn't even show up today, just told them I quit.

Thank you for reading my rant.

Tl;Dr company tried changing with my scheduled times during my first three days without letting me know, I quit and found something better!

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