
More than 50km I’m free to work from home.

In short, my company recently announced we all have to start coming into the office. I currently live 5km short of the 50. My commute is just over an hour each way. Hypothetically if I tell them I moved somewhere a little farther, what kind of proof would they ask for? I'm currently renting, I have a friend that lives another 10km away who owns his own home and said he would help with faking my address if they need anything. If you were wondering, I did plead my case to my manager and was denied. Any tips or hope would be great but it's not looking good for now

In short, my company recently announced we all have to start coming into the office. I currently live 5km short of the 50. My commute is just over an hour each way.

Hypothetically if I tell them I moved somewhere a little farther, what kind of proof would they ask for?

I'm currently renting, I have a friend that lives another 10km away who owns his own home and said he would help with faking my address if they need anything.

If you were wondering, I did plead my case to my manager and was denied.

Any tips or hope would be great but it's not looking good for now

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