
What does “let’s chat tomorrow” mean here?

Hi everyone, I am an hourly employee & upon leaving the office today, I realized I forgot to mention something on a group chat to one of our field managers. When I got home, I logged in through my laptop and posted on the chat. Right after, my manager separately messaged me and asked “do you have the chats on your personal phone?”. I let her know I do not, logged in through my laptop and I’m sorry if I shouldn’t have logged in but I wanted to make sure nothing was missed on my end. She responded with “let’s chat tomorrow. Have a goodnight”. What could she mean? Is this a fireable offense or even ground for a writeup? I’m having extreme anxiety over this.

Hi everyone,

I am an hourly employee & upon leaving the office today, I realized I forgot to mention something on a group chat to one of our field managers. When I got home, I logged in through my laptop and posted on the chat. Right after, my manager separately messaged me and asked “do you have the chats on your personal phone?”. I let her know I do not, logged in through my laptop and I’m sorry if I shouldn’t have logged in but I wanted to make sure nothing was missed on my end. She responded with “let’s chat tomorrow. Have a goodnight”. What could she mean? Is this a fireable offense or even ground for a writeup? I’m having extreme anxiety over this.

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