
What is your opinion on after hours work events?

We’re in that special time of year that we get to look forward to the dreaded work holiday party. I’ve always done anything I can to avoid them except when I absolutely can’t. They tend to stress me out because even under the best of circumstances they still feel like emotional labor. I was wondering how the rest of the r/antiwork community feels about various after hours work events. I’m talking unpaid here. Edit: While we’re at it, does anyone else’s boss guilt them into going to these things? Apparently by not going I’m reflecting poorly on our department. If my presence is that necessary, maybe it should be during work hours?

We’re in that special time of year that we get to look forward to the dreaded work holiday party. I’ve always done anything I can to avoid them except when I absolutely can’t. They tend to stress me out because even under the best of circumstances they still feel like emotional labor. I was wondering how the rest of the r/antiwork community feels about various after hours work events. I’m talking unpaid here.

Edit: While we’re at it, does anyone else’s boss guilt them into going to these things? Apparently by not going I’m reflecting poorly on our department. If my presence is that necessary, maybe it should be during work hours?

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