
I need advice on quitting

So I got a job I tried to get twice, once over a year ago, and again this past summer. I finally got it, but it is NOT what I was wanting. I’m a banker and I love it!!! It’s a local bank that from the outside is amazing… until you learn some of their stupid policies. (They don’t cash checks for non customers, not even their own checks! For one, and another is they openly talk about how they do NOT discuss pay at this company, but there’s no written policy because it’s federally illegal but it’s been said many times to myself and other staff) my manager is kinda a tool, and we’re a VERY slow branch. The traffic is repeat ppl for business deposits mostly, as a banker I’m supposed to self source incoming loan traffic, open accts, etc. but there’s next to NOTHING. So I’m just…

So I got a job I tried to get twice, once over a year ago, and again this past summer. I finally got it, but it is NOT what I was wanting. I’m a banker and I love it!!! It’s a local bank that from the outside is amazing… until you learn some of their stupid policies. (They don’t cash checks for non customers, not even their own checks! For one, and another is they openly talk about how they do NOT discuss pay at this company, but there’s no written policy because it’s federally illegal but it’s been said many times to myself and other staff) my manager is kinda a tool, and we’re a VERY slow branch. The traffic is repeat ppl for business deposits mostly, as a banker I’m supposed to self source incoming loan traffic, open accts, etc. but there’s next to NOTHING. So I’m just basically a highly paid teller, who spends half her day bored crazy. I like my type of work and want to do it, and here I really don’t get to. We just don’t see many new faces. The few that do come in, my boss is already working with them. I come from environments where my manager builds their staff, and I don’t have to compete with them because when a manager’s staff succeed, they do. Here I do have to compete and then get told sarcastic remarks like “take notes”… I wanted to say “cool story bro. You want your bankers to do well, but you take the customers instead of doing managerial duties, ensuring that you are the only one succeeding… not manager material imo.” But I say nothing as it’s a SMALL staff. But I got a better opportunity with a competing company, and im taking it!! I don’t want them to know where! They’re gonna ask as it’s sudden and I’ve only been there about 6 months. Do I be honest and say straight up, “I don’t want to work somewhere where I have to compete performatively against my own supervisor who doesn’t even give the staff he claims to want to succeed the real chance to even try? Idk what to say WHEN they ask. I want to just resign and be done but they’re HUGE on not losing people, so they’ll do all they can to keep me, but I just don’t feel like I’ll ever succeed there. HELP!!!

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