
No more Covid pay? What?

Alright so I work for a resort and we have been getting supplemental income for about $400 a month when we work 40 hours a week. This has been going on for about a year. I just received an email from the lovely HR department about this pay being cut as it was temporary. I went in today to discuss how this paycut of 8% needs to be offset by a wage increase. This all sounds normal as we are dealing with inflation, higher cost of living, etc. The HR person says that “we are actually receiving tons of new applicants so the problem we had earlier with the lack of people is gone!” I literally was in disbelief and told her all this information again. That I needed a wage increase to offset my loses. I am greatly disgusted in the way that I have been talked down to…

Alright so I work for a resort and we have been getting supplemental income for about $400 a month when we work 40 hours a week. This has been going on for about a year. I just received an email from the lovely HR department about this pay being cut as it was temporary. I went in today to discuss how this paycut of 8% needs to be offset by a wage increase. This all sounds normal as we are dealing with inflation, higher cost of living, etc. The HR person says that “we are actually receiving tons of new applicants so the problem we had earlier with the lack of people is gone!” I literally was in disbelief and told her all this information again. That I needed a wage increase to offset my loses. I am greatly disgusted in the way that I have been talked down to by this HR person and how delusional companies are about retaining workers with lower wages while at the same time trying to onboard more people. I would love to give this resort name and location, but I think I am prohibited by a contract to do so.

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