
“People are loyal to people, not companies.”

So the manager of the fast food corporation I work at goes to seminars and stuff where the company teaches them how to retain workers and boost productivity. Basically, it's the plantation owner teaching the overseers how to pretend to care about their wage slaves so they work better. Anyway, I overheard my manager say “people aren't loyal to companies but to the people they work for.” I'm quitting my fast food job cuz the manager who I spend most of my time with doesn't like me and I don't like her. I'm a good worker and dependable but she gives “no matter how hard you work, you're still not meeting my standards” vibes. Everything I do is too slow or wrong in her eyes and when she's on the floor, my stress and anxiety levels spike and when problems arise, I don't think “I should tell the manager” I…

So the manager of the fast food corporation I work at goes to seminars and stuff where the company teaches them how to retain workers and boost productivity. Basically, it's the plantation owner teaching the overseers how to pretend to care about their wage slaves so they work better. Anyway, I overheard my manager say “people aren't loyal to companies but to the people they work for.” I'm quitting my fast food job cuz the manager who I spend most of my time with doesn't like me and I don't like her. I'm a good worker and dependable but she gives “no matter how hard you work, you're still not meeting my standards” vibes. Everything I do is too slow or wrong in her eyes and when she's on the floor, my stress and anxiety levels spike and when problems arise, I don't think “I should tell the manager” I think “how do I hide this from the manager? and can I get away with it?” I wanted to quit months ago but thought I could make it to one full year. Nope! The money is $11 an hour and I'm standing all day, subtly moving myself out of the manager's eyesight cuz I dread interacting with her. What's worse is that she instantly became besties with a new worker, and an older worker is basically her lackey who agrees with her when she chastises me for trivial shit, so I know she just doesn't like me personally.

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