
They told me things changed but the same manager is driving me insane with her incompetence.

After months of incompetence from both GM and AGM my coworkers and I wrote a letter to the owner of the company. After less than a month of investigating the GM was terminated and I even got an apology from the owner of the company. We were incredibly understaffed and I was so burnt out and dealing with mental health issues that I left to take care of myself. Since then I’ve been told that things have gotten a lot better and all my old managers were begging me to come back. I had made good progress and therapy so I decided to give it another shot. In my original meeting with my new GM I asked about the AGM and she told me that they would not be overseeing my work and there would be minimal contact with them as they do not work in my department and they…

After months of incompetence from both GM and AGM my coworkers and I wrote a letter to the owner of the company. After less than a month of investigating the GM was terminated and I even got an apology from the owner of the company. We were incredibly understaffed and I was so burnt out and dealing with mental health issues that I left to take care of myself.

Since then I’ve been told that things have gotten a lot better and all my old managers were begging me to come back. I had made good progress and therapy so I decided to give it another shot. In my original meeting with my new GM I asked about the AGM and she told me that they would not be overseeing my work and there would be minimal contact with them as they do not work in my department and they had “slowly taken almost all responsibilities away from them” (everyone is painfully aware of how incompetent they are). They’re essentially only in charge of two things now one of those being setting up the employee IDs.

In the past this AGM has lied to get out of taking responsibility or just doesn’t do things cause they “didn’t know they had to” (said they were never told doing inventory was required, you shouldn’t need to be told that after you’ve been working in this industry for 5 years) they also have ZERO problem solving skills and would regularly send me on wild goose chases while they knew I was very busy.

This brings me to today I’ve been back for a few days and they call me to get me set up in the computer. Fine. I go find them and they give me my login and I just have to set up two step verification. Cool. I try the login three times and it said the login credentials were wrong. I said “are you sure this is right?” They then leaned over me, typed it in themself and my account got locked for 30 minutes for failed login attempts. They gave me a number to call and said when they ask if they can charge the business for the call to say yes. This has apparently been the case for the past few months they’ve been in charge of this. I had been on the phone for 30 minutes when I looked at the original email and realized they gave me the wrong password. It’s supposed to be employee info AND a number that was clearly written in the email that was still up on the computer (and I’m assuming the past 10 emails where employees were on the phone calling the help line “for hours”). All because they can’t read an email for the easiest task possible.

I’m tired of them getting away with being so insanely incompetent. It wastes everyone’s time and they never see repercussions and if I chose to say something about it I might be labeled as “drama” but I’m not doing this with them again. My friend says it really doesn’t seem like a big deal but they waste my time by being incompetent and then giving me shitty excuses and it pisses me off when they never own up to it.

Long story short fuck that bitch I hope they never talk to me again.

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