
Need help with vacation / sick days

This is my first real job out of college and it’s with a small family business. I’ve been there a few years now and not until last month did I realize that I’m allotted sick and vacation days. Last month the owner told me this, so I’ve been trying to figure out what to do from here. I was very sick a few times this and last year and did miss a lot of work (this is easily documented with hospital visits). He told me that my unused vacation days can’t be rolled over but I’m hoping I can at least recover my sick days. Any help is greatly appreciated.

This is my first real job out of college and it’s with a small family business. I’ve been there a few years now and not until last month did I realize that I’m allotted sick and vacation days. Last month the owner told me this, so I’ve been trying to figure out what to do from here. I was very sick a few times this and last year and did miss a lot of work (this is easily documented with hospital visits). He told me that my unused vacation days can’t be rolled over but I’m hoping I can at least recover my sick days. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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