
Had a “this is not disciplinary, we just want to help you” meeting yesterday with HR and my boss’s boss. I’ve been speaking very bluntly and publicly about pay raises lately. And they’re concerned about my “reputation” in the company and they’re worried I’m “becoming disruptive”.

The merit increases last year fell significantly below the inflation rate, which is actually a reduction in real wages, not a raise. I pointed this out during an all company meeting. And I also pointed out that the company spent $30k per employee on stock buy backs this year. Management is not pleased with me. During the meeting with HR, management told me that this sounds like a “personal finance” regarding the way I spend my paycheck, and that the company is not responsible for “maintaining my lifestyle”. Apparently they seem to think that $50k as a single parent means I’m living some luxury existence and I’m just irresponsible with money. Which obviously couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m watching my rent in the shitty house I live in outpace my wages each year. This is not a “personal spending” issue. I told them to stop pretending that this…

The merit increases last year fell significantly below the inflation rate, which is actually a reduction in real wages, not a raise. I pointed this out during an all company meeting. And I also pointed out that the company spent $30k per employee on stock buy backs this year. Management is not pleased with me. During the meeting with HR, management told me that this sounds like a “personal finance” regarding the way I spend my paycheck, and that the company is not responsible for “maintaining my lifestyle”. Apparently they seem to think that $50k as a single parent means I’m living some luxury existence and I’m just irresponsible with money. Which obviously couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m watching my rent in the shitty house I live in outpace my wages each year. This is not a “personal spending” issue. I told them to stop pretending that this is a personal issue when we all know damn well that the cost of living crisis and stagnant wages are affecting the entire working class, not just me. I was encouraged by management to apply for the Helping Hands Fund (which is funded by donations from other employees who also aren’t being paid enough) if I’m not able to get my bills paid.

So they totally gaslit me and ignored the fact that they gave their entire workforce a reduction in real wages while bragging about record breaking profits. They pretty much told me its my fault if I can’t afford my rent and that I should seek charity from other employees if I can’t manage my expenses. It was incredibly fucking insulting. I told them that if they would pay their employees appropriately in relation to cost of living in the first place, then they wouldn’t need to seek donations from other under paid employees.

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