
The owner threatened to fire me for discussing my wage.

I work in a vpk daycare. I was hired in at $15 in August as the cook but have since become the infants room lead teacher. I found out other teachers hired in around the same time as myself are being hired in at $12 so I started talking to the others about wages and some are making 10.75! The owner called me to her office and said someone wanted to know why I made more money than them and that discussing my wages was against company policy, I could be fired right there on the spot for it and I will be if anyone else at all mentions that ive talked to them about how much I make. I was pretty sure it is protected by law to be able to discuss wages and I said so but she says that since it's a private company with less than…

I work in a vpk daycare. I was hired in at $15 in August as the cook but have since become the infants room lead teacher. I found out other teachers hired in around the same time as myself are being hired in at $12 so I started talking to the others about wages and some are making 10.75! The owner called me to her office and said someone wanted to know why I made more money than them and that discussing my wages was against company policy, I could be fired right there on the spot for it and I will be if anyone else at all mentions that ive talked to them about how much I make. I was pretty sure it is protected by law to be able to discuss wages and I said so but she says that since it's a private company with less than 50 employees it doesn't apply. This didnt make sense because she owns only two in a big franchise of these daycares and we constantly have people from corporate visiting. I found out today there IS an employee handbook kept behind the director (managers) desk. I asked to see it so I could read the rest of our policies but it was too busy today to see it. Isn't it a federal law to be able to talk to my coworkers about our wages??? (Located in Florida if it matters)

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