
What a morning to walk into, enjoy.

I hope you enjoy this rant. What a morning I walked into absolute hilarity and I cannot make this up. So I posted on this page before. Don’t have to agree with all of it, but somethings you just can’t make up about employment. I work in administrative job for a restaurant, and do lots of random tasks that need to be done, but who else is gonna do them. So the owner of this company actually manages a private equity firm, doesn’t even see himself as a restaurant owner. But he still acts like he is one, with lots of spontaneous unique ideas, without actually follow through and making sure there’s profit. Well there’s only two people that work in the office my coworker and I, and we do these administrative tasks, we don’t work in the restaurant but we pull all the strings behind it you know buy…

I hope you enjoy this rant. What a morning I walked into absolute hilarity and I cannot make this up.

So I posted on this page before. Don’t have to agree with all of it, but somethings you just can’t make up about employment.

I work in administrative job for a restaurant, and do lots of random tasks that need to be done, but who else is gonna do them. So the owner of this company actually manages a private equity firm, doesn’t even see himself as a restaurant owner. But he still acts like he is one, with lots of spontaneous unique ideas, without actually follow through and making sure there’s profit.

Well there’s only two people that work in the office my coworker and I, and we do these administrative tasks, we don’t work in the restaurant but we pull all the strings behind it you know buy things and make sure the essentials are maintained, while also doing some bookkeeping and paperwork. We report all of our hours and mileage, we’ve done this on a spreadsheet. Now I say that to make Sure there is a receipt. For example I drive around a lot, as a week ago not so much anymore, for the first four hours of my day to do the same task that no one else will do, they have to be done, but now we don’t do them anymore like I said I was a week ago.

So on this particular day as discussed the previous evening with my coworker, my task was to drive around and deliver a lot of these items to each of the stores. Make sure that we also had what the order of operations would be best to make sure everything’s done in a timely manner, you know we planned it. So I don’t have a particular time I needed to be in the office to pick up items to dispense, so you could say I got there late, but also there was no specific me being on time as usually my mornings were a specific task that has the rustically changed so now I actually just Go straight to the office. Now here comes today’s morning.

I walked in the office, and my coworker already knew that I was running late, I fibbed and said that I need to stop and get oil for my car, like I said I drive around a lot. And he was like oh my gosh the owner is kind of on a warpath. He asked where you were like three times. My response was, I was texting you and we already planned out the day so like nothing we’re doing right now is really time sensitive. My coworker and I are on the same page, we don’t like our owner, he’s out of touch, he doesn’t realize or care to realize that my coworker and I do a lot of things that no one else wants to do, but they have to be done by someone. And now I go into my office and I see a box on one of the table, my coworker and I work in the same room and our desks are essentially pushed up next to each other. So I asked what’s this box, he replied oh, the owner wants us to punch in with a paper time card clock in, yes I send it, a paper puncheon for when we get into the office, him and I are the only people that are hourly in this office. Everyone else is salary, so it’s not for anyone but him and I. Also we track our mileage on a spreadsheet, he didn’t even Realize that we were tracking all of this on a Google dock. That was made by the bookkeeping/accountant that he hired to manage that stuff, like he had no idea that we were actually keeping track of this the entire time. So starting in the new year he wants us to have his receipt booklets to track our mileage. It’s crazy to think how out of touch owners are, but it’s even crazier to think that actually an individual can’t see that this is ridiculous business decisions.

Like literally I want to put into respective, that my coworker was also gone for the past 2 1/2 weeks since Thanksgiving, because he got sick and also had a planned vacation, so like the owner and I were literally in the same office together for 2 1/2 weeks. He said literally nothing, I did all the tasks he asked and actually was always very attentive and making sure because he likes to have spontaneous projects. Now we’re having to manually have a punch in card?

You can’t tell me this isn’t ridiculous. Like the owner wants us to do some archaic puncheon, when literally we have a digital software that we also use for all of our restaurants for people to clock in. So you’re telling me you just went out and bought a manual punch and Card, when we have a software where I can open up my company laptop or use my phone, which also contract location, to clock in?

Also it’s funny, the operations manager, which is paid salary who is supposed to work in the office, but also be in the stores and making sure it runs. Literally amongst my general managers people that actually need questions answered by him or like, where the hell is the operations manager. He’s been literally sick on average one week per month on top of, working from home on top of that. But it’s like the people who work in the office and do all the bullshit or the people who are coming into question.

So that’s my rant into the void, don’t be a dumb business owner.

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