
My job is so stupid

I have been at my job for over a year now. I got hired with my avalibility as mid day to closing. So, basically avaliable from 2pm-12am. For the first year they were honoring my avalibility. It's not a hard avalibility to honor considering how UNPOPULAR closing and late night shifts are. I enjoy working at night. I don't do mornings and it's against my avaliable time. Anyways, out of nowhere they started to 180 on honoring my avalibility. They keep scheduling me (or at least trying) to schedule me for 8am or 9am shifts. It is literally upper management doing this shit. The night time manager (who I'm cool with knows my situation) keeps managing to trade my shifts away. Even talked/explained to upper management herself how I can't work those shifts. Ever since she accidentally made it known how I'm a “great worker” on her shift upper management…

I have been at my job for over a year now. I got hired with my avalibility as mid day to closing. So, basically avaliable from 2pm-12am. For the first year they were honoring my avalibility. It's not a hard avalibility to honor considering how UNPOPULAR closing and late night shifts are.

I enjoy working at night. I don't do mornings and it's against my avaliable time. Anyways, out of nowhere they started to 180 on honoring my avalibility. They keep scheduling me (or at least trying) to schedule me for 8am or 9am shifts. It is literally upper management doing this shit.

The night time manager (who I'm cool with knows my situation) keeps managing to trade my shifts away. Even talked/explained to upper management herself how I can't work those shifts. Ever since she accidentally made it known how I'm a “great worker” on her shift upper management has been horny to bring me to mornings where they work.

It's ridicolous cause NOONE but me and one other person (who is injured) wants to work closing shift. It's so unpopular. I don't know what the fuck this place is thinking? You know how hard it is to find someone that actually likes working till midnight everyday? Are these people stupid? It's not like I'm asking for a popular shift.

Anyways, I'm more of the guy that rarely gets annoyed. But, once annoyed I don't give a fuck. So, I'm done even trying to get these shifts switched. I'm just going to start calling in sick. They can fire me if they want. If anything they would be doing me a favor. But they won't as we're severely understaffed. I'll just find another job at this point. I just found this place logic next level stupid. Sad thing is the job isn't that bad. The managers aren't bad either. It's just the upper management that is garbage.

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