
Employer non-chalantly telling me hours I agreed to work will not be paid because I have a PTO day this week

Absolutely livid and could use some support. I take care of a private patient. I work 5 days a week. I am an incredibly reliable employee willing to do literally anything their family needs to make their lives easier. I was asked two weeks ago if I could come early one day this week because my patient has an appointment. I could use the extra money, as I'm a student paying for tuition out of pocket / it's the holidays, so I said sure. A few days later, my patient said something off-handed about my PTO day making up for the earlier start. I assumed he was confused (he has a neurodegenerative disorder; it happens) and didn't think much of it. Flash forward to last weekend, as we talked about the next two weeks ahead, suddenly it was expected that I would come in an hour early *two days* this…

Absolutely livid and could use some support.

I take care of a private patient. I work 5 days a week. I am an incredibly reliable employee willing to do literally anything their family needs to make their lives easier.

I was asked two weeks ago if I could come early one day this week because my patient has an appointment. I could use the extra money, as I'm a student paying for tuition out of pocket / it's the holidays, so I said sure. A few days later, my patient said something off-handed about my PTO day making up for the earlier start. I assumed he was confused (he has a neurodegenerative disorder; it happens) and didn't think much of it. Flash forward to last weekend, as we talked about the next two weeks ahead, suddenly it was expected that I would come in an hour early *two days* this week. Annoying, and had to switch an appointment around, but again, I could use the money, but fine.

Today, in a text message, they said, “We are giving you a paid day off on Thursday. Which will compensate for the two earlier days on Tuesday and Wednesday.”

And I just….WHAT!? Are you kidding?

I work under the table / off the books, as I'd lose my health insurance if I got paid legally, and while I'd love to be a more legal citizen, I can't afford to lose health insurance as I make my way through nursing school, and because they're a private employer, they aren't going to pay for it. They've never been like this before, so I'm genuinely shocked. I don't want to rock the boat and risk losing my job, but this is so egregiously wrong that I don't know what to even do. It's only two hours, sure, but that's $60! Might mean nothing to them, but that's 1/3 of my grocery bill! I can't afford to work for free. I struggle to make ends meet after everything I have to pay for as is.


In a perfect world, I'd say that if they aren't paying me for my time, I cannot come early those days. But I fear that will lead to me being fired and I cannot afford to lose this job. I also would have NEVER agreed to work extra hours if I didn't think I would be compensated for them like a normal employee. It's so, so bizarre that they put me in this position.

It's so upsetting and could really use some support, and advice. Just please be kind. I realize that working under the table is not advisable and has left me with little protection, but that's the position I'm in, and it's not something I can change, so please don't hassle me about it. I'm working my ass off to become a nurse and have a better life for myself. I'm doing what I have to do to get through it.

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