
I’m given heat for the companies short comings. They wonder why they can’t keep people in this role

I’m the 3rd person in this role in a year. They fired one for “just not getting it” and another quit. I see why. I’ve done supply chain/inventory for a couple companies now and none of them have been as much of a shit show as this place. We don’t require customer forecasting and when we do get it, we don’t make our customers follow it. We have 1 customer that orders TRIPLE what their forecast says and it wipes out all our stock. I then get in massive shit for not having stock for other customers. When I try to order enough to take into account the over purchasing, I’m told I’m ordering too much and need to majorly scale back. I then get in massive shit for not having stock again. I’ve pointed out this issue almost every week for the last month and it’s always “you’re right!…

I’m the 3rd person in this role in a year. They fired one for “just not getting it” and another quit. I see why.

I’ve done supply chain/inventory for a couple companies now and none of them have been as much of a shit show as this place.

We don’t require customer forecasting and when we do get it, we don’t make our customers follow it. We have 1 customer that orders TRIPLE what their forecast says and it wipes out all our stock. I then get in massive shit for not having stock for other customers. When I try to order enough to take into account the over purchasing, I’m told I’m ordering too much and need to majorly scale back. I then get in massive shit for not having stock again. I’ve pointed out this issue almost every week for the last month and it’s always “you’re right! We’ll look into it” and nothing is done. The cycle continues.

A recent issue is that we need stock for promotions and I’m given this either super late or there are so many issues that it causes delays. On top of that, the brand people don’t tell the suppliers ahead of time what is needed so when I go to order, the suppliers have nothing available. I then get into shit for that too.

And lastly, our receiving team is under staffed and slow so it takes WEEKS for one order to be received and I’m blamed for it.

All in all, the companies short comings somehow are my fault?? Perhaps management should get their heads out of their asses and fix the issues.

I now know why I’m the 3rd person in a year. 1 was smart enough to quit and the 2nd was a scapegoat. I’m still trying to figure out which one I’m going to be.

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