
Work gives points for calling in sick without doctors note.

I gave my work place my two weeks notice. It has been 1 week so far and this week will be my last. I have had to call out sick once already, and due to small amount of hours that the work place provides me I do not have health insurance. You are given points for sick days without proof from a doctor. I do not want to spend the money to be told that I am sick when this is something I am already aware of, I have a stuffy nose, achy body, and dry throat. I called out sick again today and was told with the amount of points from the last time would result in me getting fired before my two weeks are up. I legit only have two more days of work including today. I asked if a positive flu or cold test would count, but…

I gave my work place my two weeks notice. It has been 1 week so far and this week will be my last. I have had to call out sick once already, and due to small amount of hours that the work place provides me I do not have health insurance. You are given points for sick days without proof from a doctor. I do not want to spend the money to be told that I am sick when this is something I am already aware of, I have a stuffy nose, achy body, and dry throat. I called out sick again today and was told with the amount of points from the last time would result in me getting fired before my two weeks are up. I legit only have two more days of work including today. I asked if a positive flu or cold test would count, but that was rejected.

I was told if I am fired that I won’t be welcomed back. But I don’t even want to back, the work place is really shitty and had always refused to give me a decide amount of hours and consistent schedule. Which is way I had to find a second job that has become my full-time job. Some people tell me not to burn any bridges. But I don’t think it’s worth it when all of the money I earn that my last week will just go to paying for the doctors visit.

The job that I am leaving is a cashier job, for a large home improvement retailer. I was originally a sales person but they forced me to move positions because they needed someone more reliable to handle money. I was told I would keep my hours by moving but they cut them in half one week later and I lost the ability to make commissions even if they where crappy commissions, (2% taxed commission).

My newer job that I have been working full time for 3 months for is a waitressing job for a small cafe. And I legit make more than my other jobs managers most days. I average $170 to $230 in tips because of the large amount of regulars that eat there. $150 would be considered a bad day, which is still a lot more than my retail job.

Is it worth it to get fired for two more sick days when I am already leaving the job?

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