
Fair distribution?

Me and a Coworker (higher ranked) have had a decent system going on for awhile, one of us will come in late the other will leave early or vice Versa. Has been going on for awhile. The company we work for has been shafting us, with recent paycuts allowed legally through the route they took, changes in policies to avoid people leaving without paying back training costs (training is useless) and other various things such as promised payrises that never came to fruition. We have taken action through relieving ourselves of our duties earlier, without ever affecting our productivity due to the nature of work we do. Of course, we don't really care what others opinions are on it and know the risk v reward. If my higher ranking coworker is leaving a couple of hours early but I am only leaving an hour early, do you think I should…

Me and a Coworker (higher ranked) have had a decent system going on for awhile, one of us will come in late the other will leave early or vice Versa. Has been going on for awhile.

The company we work for has been shafting us, with recent paycuts allowed legally through the route they took, changes in policies to avoid people leaving without paying back training costs (training is useless) and other various things such as promised payrises that never came to fruition.

We have taken action through relieving ourselves of our duties earlier, without ever affecting our productivity due to the nature of work we do. Of course, we don't really care what others opinions are on it and know the risk v reward.

If my higher ranking coworker is leaving a couple of hours early but I am only leaving an hour early, do you think I should challenge this politely to make it more equal? Hahaha.

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