

Info: live an work in the UK. Ok so, I start up saying that I worked for many years and I also have a a BSc, and MSc and PhD but I also have a gap of 7 years on my CV due to me moving to another country with my husband and raised my 3 yound boys. Still, with my PhD included, I consider myself as having 10 years experience in my industry and when I left work, years back, I was at a senior level. We came back to the UK and I found a job for a company with my old boss (pre PhD). They decided that they wanted to start me again as a lower level worker, I argued but they wouldn't change their offer so I have accepted because I felt insecure at that time and I also wanted to see f I could juggle…

Info: live an work in the UK. Ok so, I start up saying that I worked for many years and I also have a a BSc, and MSc and PhD but I also have a gap of 7 years on my CV due to me moving to another country with my husband and raised my 3 yound boys. Still, with my PhD included, I consider myself as having 10 years experience in my industry and when I left work, years back, I was at a senior level. We came back to the UK and I found a job for a company with my old boss (pre PhD). They decided that they wanted to start me again as a lower level worker, I argued but they wouldn't change their offer so I have accepted because I felt insecure at that time and I also wanted to see f I could juggle all the life changes and 3 kids. Fastforward a few months and I can say I really settled in well and I am covering a lot of senior duties, they announced a round of promotions and I wasn't one of them. At this point I am pretty angry, there is a guy younger than me, just out of his PhD with no previous industry experience in a senior position, another younger guy in the industry for less than 5 years and only a BSc promoted to senior. What is going on? I get paid 10 grand less than them, if my work was considered of low quality, I would have received a negative feedback but they are happy with what I do. I like the job but I feel underpaid and undervalued, I have started looking for other jobs but what I want to know is, shall I warn them I am not happy and I will be looking elsewhere or should I just present them with my resignation when the time come? I had a past conversation with HR where I stated my displeasure but they said my promotion will happen sometime next year. I just cannot forgive this total overlook of my situation and I just keep comparing myself to others. This should never have happen to start with. I am a woman by the way and I think this is one of the reasons I am not classified at par with these colleagues.

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