
Today my manager told me my department would fall apart without me…

I make a bit less than 2k/month. Garbage pay, esp considering what I do on a daily basis. About 10 days ago I asked my supervisor about a raise. He supported my feelings and encouraged me to ask our manager for a raise. A few days later, I did. He also supported the idea, but said I'll have to ask the store manager, (my store has 5 managers then a 'big boss' store manager). The same manager who said to ask the head honcho for the raise is the one who claimed I'm shouldering my whole corner of the store today. He gave heaps of high praise just before I clocked out. But like… Can't my supervisor and manager vouch for me ffs??? The big boss is around maybe 3 days a week and always seems to be busy – the only one of the 6 managers I haven't had…

I make a bit less than 2k/month. Garbage pay, esp considering what I do on a daily basis.

About 10 days ago I asked my supervisor about a raise. He supported my feelings and encouraged me to ask our manager for a raise. A few days later, I did. He also supported the idea, but said I'll have to ask the store manager, (my store has 5 managers then a 'big boss' store manager).

The same manager who said to ask the head honcho for the raise is the one who claimed I'm shouldering my whole corner of the store today. He gave heaps of high praise just before I clocked out. But like… Can't my supervisor and manager vouch for me ffs??? The big boss is around maybe 3 days a week and always seems to be busy – the only one of the 6 managers I haven't had a one-on-one convo with. So, its just too much to ask for my 2 bosses to talk to their boss for me? Even though they have direct contact with him every day while I see him once in a blue moon??

I can't tell you how sick I am of modern work conditions and limitations. My work ethic just doesn't allow for me to give up and just waste my clocked hours like some people do. I'm so frustrated I could scream. Just had to vent.

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