
New Job Twist

My current boss is a jerk so I've been looking for new jobs. Found a place where everyone is really nice and they seem to care about my future and the job came with a 10k raise! I was waited about this and was about to sign the contract when I asked about their Healthcare policies.. found out that they wont cover my wife and kid, to add them will cost 1k a month.. so now the new job with a raise ends up paying me less money each month. Plus I'm adding on an additional 30 minute commute. My current work is 5 mins away. And despite the asshole boss, he does cover the whole family with health insurance for no charge. I went full 180 and now I'm not sure if I should make the switch.. added commute for less pay, but nicer people? Also the new job…

My current boss is a jerk so I've been looking for new jobs. Found a place where everyone is really nice and they seem to care about my future and the job came with a 10k raise! I was waited about this and was about to sign the contract when I asked about their Healthcare policies.. found out that they wont cover my wife and kid, to add them will cost 1k a month.. so now the new job with a raise ends up paying me less money each month. Plus I'm adding on an additional 30 minute commute.

My current work is 5 mins away. And despite the asshole boss, he does cover the whole family with health insurance for no charge.

I went full 180 and now I'm not sure if I should make the switch.. added commute for less pay, but nicer people? Also the new job does 9 hour days with 1 hour unpaid lunch, and no sick days.. my current job is really causal and we work 8 hours with 1 hour lunch included.

I'm just really torn.. I thought I had a good option, hit now it feels like all the perks at my current job are being lost and I end up not improving my situation and lose more of my time I could have w my 2 year old son.

But I really can't stand my current boss either so feeling super trapped right now.. wish there was some way to escape all of this, but if I quit and keep looking ill be on the streets in 3 months with how high the rent is, can't save anything, but I'm just so done with everyone treating me like shit and expecting to take away all my time..

I would try starting my own business but I probably wouldn't be able to get enough jobs to even pay the rent.. what am I supposed to do? Just suck it up and take one bad option or the other? Where can we be treated with decency and respect and given time to be a damn human being who gets sick sometimes, or just needs a break and some time off to be with family.. I'm so done with all this..

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