
My mother got fired right before the holiday party where they hand out bonuses. Is there anyway to collect the bonus she feels entitled to?

My mom has worked at a nursing home for 5 years, great employee and has always showed up and dedicated unlike anyone else there. she got fired literally for having health problems and her boss was scared she would call off too much.. not even sure if that’s legal but she gets unemployment so she’s fine with the situation. Whatever. Anyway, every year this place gives a holiday bonus to each employee based off the amount of hours they worked that year, and they call everyone’s name and hands an envelope and the employees clap etc.. But my mom got canned a week before the party. She showed up still to the party because she thought she’d get her bonus, but she never got called and when she asked her former boss, they just turned around and ignored her. So she called and said she feels entitled to the holiday…

My mom has worked at a nursing home for 5 years, great employee and has always showed up and dedicated unlike anyone else there. she got fired literally for having health problems and her boss was scared she would call off too much.. not even sure if that’s legal but she gets unemployment so she’s fine with the situation. Whatever. Anyway, every year this place gives a holiday bonus to each employee based off the amount of hours they worked that year, and they call everyone’s name and hands an envelope and the employees clap etc.. But my mom got canned a week before the party. She showed up still to the party because she thought she’d get her bonus, but she never got called and when she asked her former boss, they just turned around and ignored her. So she called and said she feels entitled to the holiday bonus and they told her only employees get the bonus.

Anyway, I am looking for possibly an unethical way to get my mom this bonus. I’m thinking like calling and pretending to be a lawyer or some shit and saying we’ll contact the DOL if she doesn’t get her bonus. I know it sounds immature but she’s just hurt and hurting for money, so I’m willing to do whatever is legal but it doesn’t have to be ethical. Every manager at this place is a total dumbass and they probably wouldn’t even know if I posed as a lawyer or a DOL agent hah.

Let me know your thoughts thanks

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