
Lowes doesn’t allow people to go outside on breaks

Just as the title states, lowes doesn’t allow their employees to leave the building during their breaks. Per my store manager “breaks are a privilege” and “aren’t required.” Although not illegal, how is it not inhumane to keep your employees in the building like some Guinea pigs? The policy needs to be changed. Their excuse? It’s a liability to have employees going to their cars on their breaks or going to a designated smoking area. Any ideas on how to get this changed?

Just as the title states, lowes doesn’t allow their employees to leave the building during their breaks. Per my store manager “breaks are a privilege” and “aren’t required.” Although not illegal, how is it not inhumane to keep your employees in the building like some Guinea pigs? The policy needs to be changed. Their excuse? It’s a liability to have employees going to their cars on their breaks or going to a designated smoking area. Any ideas on how to get this changed?

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