
Wants me to teach Special Ed without an endorsement

I have math, science and Health endorsements on my teaching license. You can ONLY legally teach in the area of your endorsements. Last year I got completely burned out doing special Ed. Those who do will understand how much administration and districts take advantage of us. Last year when I renewed my teachers license, I took the special Ed endorsement off. I started the year teaching math and science. Just before winter break, they tell me they are switching me to special Ed math and science since they don’t have enough classrooms for the special Ed students. I remind them I don’t have that endorsement anymore. They say that since I have math and science and HEALTH, they can get a waiver from district so I can teach. (?????) I say, thank you, no, and I will not sign a waiver (because it would be so obviously illegal). End of…

I have math, science and Health endorsements on my teaching license. You can ONLY legally teach in the area of your endorsements. Last year I got completely burned out doing special Ed. Those who do will understand how much administration and districts take advantage of us.

Last year when I renewed my teachers license, I took the special Ed endorsement off. I started the year teaching math and science.

Just before winter break, they tell me they are switching me to special Ed math and science since they don’t have enough classrooms for the special Ed students. I remind them I don’t have that endorsement anymore.

They say that since I have math and science and HEALTH, they can get a waiver from district so I can teach. (?????) I say, thank you, no, and I will not sign a waiver (because it would be so obviously illegal).

End of day I have an email from them changing my job assignment.

I’ve looked at my union grievance procedures, and basically there’s four levels that can each take 15 days, except the 3rd and 4th than can take up to 30 days.

If they just delay, it could be the end of the school year by the time it’s settled. I don’t want want to lose 6 months of my life. If I don’t comply, they can fire me.

Where can I find a good education lawyer? I want to be able to do my job without illegally teaching students when I don’t have the correct endorsement.

(For those of you who just say: find a different school, no. IT’S THE SAME for teachers almost everywhere. And the places that are different, won’t stay that way, because most principals only stay a few years at each school before moving on. Many teachers just try to wait out a cruel principal until they leave, and just hope for a better one in a year or two.)

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