
The saddest realization I’ve come to recently is that most of us have to spend the majority of our one life on this Earth working rather than doing the things that we love.

When I was in middle school, I was a pro-working, Trump-supporting republican. I just couldn’t understand people who were anti-capitalist, anti-corporation, or otherwise anti-work. I thought they were weak, lazy, cringeworthy liberals who expected everyone else to give them hand outs. Then as the years went by, I got my first job at Taco Bell, graduated high school, quit Taco Bell, started working at a feed store, and it’s at this store where I have worked for nearly six months. I’m working there for about 50 hours(plus extra voluntary free hours that I choose to work to get things finished up and to help out the business when I’m not there) every two weeks for fifteen dollars an hour, which is not a livable wage even if I worked there full time. I work two ten hour shifts and a seven hour shift every week, plus a four hour shift…

When I was in middle school, I was a pro-working, Trump-supporting republican. I just couldn’t understand people who were anti-capitalist, anti-corporation, or otherwise anti-work. I thought they were weak, lazy, cringeworthy liberals who expected everyone else to give them hand outs. Then as the years went by, I got my first job at Taco Bell, graduated high school, quit Taco Bell, started working at a feed store, and it’s at this store where I have worked for nearly six months. I’m working there for about 50 hours(plus extra voluntary free hours that I choose to work to get things finished up and to help out the business when I’m not there) every two weeks for fifteen dollars an hour, which is not a livable wage even if I worked there full time. I work two ten hour shifts and a seven hour shift every week, plus a four hour shift every other Wednesday. It doesn’t sound like much, but I’m working on a degree in community college right now which is why I’m only able to work part time. And I’m starting to absolutely dread coming into work every week. My boss is tough as fuck, my coworker is a sociopath who is usually the only person there’s to talk to other than the customers, and the only other coworker I only get to see for the short four hour shift every other week. This job is physically hard as FUCK, and despite my best efforts, I always get treated like shit for apparently not being good enough. Now I’ve realized that the time has come to quit, but I know I’m going to get a lot of shit, from both my bosses, coworkers, and even my family. I also feel remorse for my other boss who is actually a nice lady, and I know me leaving is going to hurt them a bit. But I just can’t take it anymore. Sorry if I sound weak, I admit I am weaker than the average man, but this is due to me having Type 1 diabetes, and working a physically hard job with this condition is challenging(it’s a warehouse job btw). I would tough it out and push through it, but the job is just not worth it to me. I don’t fit in, I don’t do as well as I should, and I cannot stand my coworker and sometimes my boss(who is the husband of the lady I mentioned earlier, they’re both the owners) really pisses me off because of his lack of mercy as well as poor leadership skills. He’s actually an honest and hard working man, but he’s tough to work for and doesn’t give a lot of mercy. I just wish I could make this work, but I’m beginning to really hate this job, but I’m not sure if I’m really ready to quit and move on to the next one. My previous job at Taco Bell paid better and was easier work, but that shit got old fast after two years spent there busting my ass off and working overtime for free in order to get shit finished up, and still being treated like shit through it al. I just wish we didn’t have to work as long of hours, ten hour shifts of exhausting work leave you with barely any free time, and certainly not enough to make you feel recovered. I also wish people didn’t guilt trip you and make you feel like shit for quitting. Like I know it’s a pain in the ass for you, but this could be an opportunity to hire someone better so why are you going to give me shit about it. Not to mention, I am fucking over this job: do you even care about how I feel? Apparently not. I wish there wasn’t such a stigma on coworkers quitting, just let them leave and move on with it. Bottom line is, I hate how much fucking work we have to do for barely a liveable wage, and I hope either this glorious capitalist system of ours either pays us more or let’s us work less hours so we can focus on what matters, like our families, friends, and hobbies, the stuff that actually makes life worth living. Fuck work. I’m probably quitting my job and I’m hopefully going to find something better, or at least a job that gives me more free time. Hail Capitalism, what a wonderful and fair life you’ve given us all!

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