Hello recently started a new job as an assistant manager its only me and my manager that are paid staff and atm theres no one else to cover.
In the interview I did bring up I suffer from anxiety etc and I get anxious about covering more then my contracted hours/days (4 days a week) yet they still hired me.
my manager has been poorly and they said can I cover tomorrow (its my day off) so I said no my manager turnt round and said its your job to cover (theres no one else to cover tbh so the store is shut tomorrow now).
The thing is I have always had this anxiety and I know my limitations but yet I am made to feel guilty about not doing it.
Also another thing that is playing on my mind is if my manager has holiday I will have to cover 6 days a week, this is a massive anxiety thing for me and unless I can get key volunteers to cover I guess I am forced to do it and it petrifies me.
I dunno what to do anymore 🙁