
So what’s the point if working is so miserable?

For context, I've been a NEET for a little more than 3 years now. I've never felt very liked or accepted in my life, and the few times I've worked, it's ended horribly. I'm trying to move past the self pitying and bs, and I've been trying to avoid places like this, but I'm pretty sold on the idea that working isn't just bad, it's miserable. I'm seeing all sorts of people here getting fucked. Whether it's terrible workplace conditions, endless conflict, not having enough money to enjoy and move up in life, debt, shitty customers in retail, etc. I don't have a car. Theres a Kroger nearby, and the subreddit for there is endless complaining. I asked about a particular position and gave some context about the issues I face and was told hell no. Online transcription jobs pay ridiculously low. I applied for a coffee shop across the…

For context, I've been a NEET for a little more than 3 years now. I've never felt very liked or accepted in my life, and the few times I've worked, it's ended horribly. I'm trying to move past the self pitying and bs, and I've been trying to avoid places like this, but I'm pretty sold on the idea that working isn't just bad, it's miserable.

I'm seeing all sorts of people here getting fucked. Whether it's terrible workplace conditions, endless conflict, not having enough money to enjoy and move up in life, debt, shitty customers in retail, etc.

I don't have a car. Theres a Kroger nearby, and the subreddit for there is endless complaining. I asked about a particular position and gave some context about the issues I face and was told hell no. Online transcription jobs pay ridiculously low. I applied for a coffee shop across the street and was told to pound sand.

I'm tired of being a helpless jerk living off my mom, who recently got a job that embodies everything this subreddit hates about working. I have severe mental illness, not quite bad enough to get benefits, but not functional enough to be able to deal with dead end jobs where you're treated as a subhuman.

Anyone have words of wisdom or advice? This is more of a vent, but I'm at a point where I'm really considering suicide.

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