
My job is forcing me to login to work after my doctors appointment at night.

Had a drs appt lined up for over a month now and requested half a day since it’s for a physical and not near my house. my job said i should be grateful that we get days off at all and that they even allowed me to go to a doctors appointment before christmas break. My boss said i should be glad she’s letting me go the appt verbatim. They forced private information out of me because they didn’t believe me and upper level staff take off for appointments anytime they want. I’m so sick of constantly being questioned and treated like shit. I want to quit with no notice as this isn’t the first time they tried to deny a medical appointment. Need advice should i talk to HR?

Had a drs appt lined up for over a month now and requested half a day since it’s for a physical and not near my house. my job said i should be grateful that we get days off at all and that they even allowed me to go to a doctors appointment before christmas break. My boss said i should be glad she’s letting me go the appt verbatim. They forced private information out of me because they didn’t believe me and upper level staff take off for appointments anytime they want. I’m so sick of constantly being questioned and treated like shit. I want to quit with no notice as this isn’t the first time they tried to deny a medical appointment. Need advice should i talk to HR?

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