
record growth!

My company requires employees to attend a quarterly meeting where they reveal that once again, for the ____ quarter in a row, the company’s revenue has increased by several percentage points. In my 18 months of employment I have received one raise of about 3%. Last year my department was given an opportunity to earn a Christmas bonus by completing a bunch of ridiculous metrics, which we actually managed to do. This year we achieved the same and received nothing 🙂 I would really love to be able to honestly ask the people running this company – what incentive have you given me to help your business grow? In fact, what incentive have you given me to do anything besides try to get my paycheck for as little labor as I can?

My company requires employees to attend a quarterly meeting where they reveal that once again, for the ____ quarter in a row, the company’s revenue has increased by several percentage points. In my 18 months of employment I have received one raise of about 3%. Last year my department was given an opportunity to earn a Christmas bonus by completing a bunch of ridiculous metrics, which we actually managed to do. This year we achieved the same and received nothing 🙂 I would really love to be able to honestly ask the people running this company – what incentive have you given me to help your business grow? In fact, what incentive have you given me to do anything besides try to get my paycheck for as little labor as I can?

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