
“unreliable” employee here…

hi, i’m new to the sub but i have an issue that i want to talk about (but not sure if it belongs here lol) so here’s the story- in mid october of this year i started having extreme pain episodes that no doctor could explain. i had to call out of work one (1) time and got ghosted by my boss and coworkers for it. so i started a new job a few weeks later. pain got worse, i got approved time off to take care of myself but then fired again due to my health. THEN i got another job.. you can guess how that ended. i left work 2hrs early only 2 times and they fired me yesterday. this mystery pain renders me unable to stand for about 30mins-1hr. i’m at a loss and don’t know what to do.

hi, i’m new to the sub but i have an issue that i want to talk about (but not sure if it belongs here lol)
so here’s the story- in mid october of this year i started having extreme pain episodes that no doctor could explain. i had to call out of work one (1) time and got ghosted by my boss and coworkers for it. so i started a new job a few weeks later. pain got worse, i got approved time off to take care of myself but then fired again due to my health. THEN i got another job.. you can guess how that ended. i left work 2hrs early only 2 times and they fired me yesterday. this mystery pain renders me unable to stand for about 30mins-1hr. i’m at a loss and don’t know what to do.

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