
Help me help my mom? (Field work)

My mom does field work, she got the job like 3 months ago, and the system is fucked. The company doesn't have a check in and out system. There's just a supervisor that says is gonna check them in and out, but there's discrepancies in their paychecks. This is in AZ. Another thing is that their breaks are not respected, they call them in early from breaks and lunch, but they are not being paid that time. There's also a rule of the company stating that since fieldwork is rough they should be able to take paid breaks to go to the restroom and drink water, but supervisors have denied the right to go to the restroom, and there's no time to drink water since everything goes so fast. I already asked her that if she signed a contract she should give it to me to review and see all…

My mom does field work, she got the job like 3 months ago, and the system is fucked. The company doesn't have a check in and out system. There's just a supervisor that says is gonna check them in and out, but there's discrepancies in their paychecks. This is in AZ.

Another thing is that their breaks are not respected, they call them in early from breaks and lunch, but they are not being paid that time. There's also a rule of the company stating that since fieldwork is rough they should be able to take paid breaks to go to the restroom and drink water, but supervisors have denied the right to go to the restroom, and there's no time to drink water since everything goes so fast.

I already asked her that if she signed a contract she should give it to me to review and see all the things that are wrong. I also suggested that she and others keep track of when they go in and out themselves. Many of them have tried talking to the supervisors about the discrepancies in pay, but they don't think anything will be done.

I want to know exactly what I can do to help change things, since a lot of these practices seem highly illegal, if anyone has information for me I will appreciate it a lot!

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