
Call centers suck.

I work at this call center for Optimum and this place couldn’t be more miserable to work in. The Supervisors are usually pretty chill ( sort of) but there lies a HUGE power complex with them. I mean these guys act like they are the literal company when it comes to us employees following the rules l. First off I’ve never been a fan of the no phones policy. Their go reason is because of “information theft” me personally I could care less about people’s credit card info. I HAVE A JOB. And not only that I would get caught lol and the people who have stolen credit card info: one guy ordered pizzas for the office. what a nut. Anyways , we have to clock out for our bathroom breaks which is annoying considering I could take a pisser at my 2nd job and still get paid for it.…

I work at this call center for Optimum and this place couldn’t be more miserable to work in.
The Supervisors are usually pretty chill ( sort of) but there lies a HUGE power complex with them. I mean these guys act like they are the literal company when it comes to us employees following the rules l.
First off I’ve never been a fan of the no phones policy. Their go reason is because of “information theft” me personally I could care less about people’s credit card info. I HAVE A JOB. And not only that I would get caught lol and the people who have stolen credit card info: one guy ordered pizzas for the office. what a nut. Anyways , we have to clock out for our bathroom breaks which is annoying considering I could take a pisser at my 2nd job and still get paid for it. If your even 5-10 mins late from lunch they log you out of your computer, you have to show up earlier than you need to (I work 7 am – 4 pm) so you can log into these slow ass computers. There’s a chance you won’t even log into the system we use until 30 mins into your ( which is fine but it’s still annoying). Overall this place sucks. If I have to hear one more person tell me their fucking life story I’m gonna lose my shit.

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