
I put in my 2 weeks yesterday. No work tomorrow.

I've been working at a liquor store for the past 9 months because I was slow doing firewood and fabrication / equipment maintenance work for myself. I txtd the group chat from the manager that we get our schedule from Saturday night after work about a couple things such as I'm going broke working there coming in 5 days a week in the middle of the day for 4 or 5 hours and bringing home $250 a week when I can make that in a day on my own. I realize it's just a dopey liquor store job and I'm not going to get rich working there, but I am one of there main stock guys that check everything into the building, hand out checks to distributors, order booze for people, my customer service game is right on point. I know most of the people that come into the store…

I've been working at a liquor store for the past 9 months because I was slow doing firewood and fabrication / equipment maintenance work for myself.

I txtd the group chat from the manager that we get our schedule from Saturday night after work about a couple things such as I'm going broke working there coming in 5 days a week in the middle of the day for 4 or 5 hours and bringing home $250 a week when I can make that in a day on my own. I realize it's just a dopey liquor store job and I'm not going to get rich working there, but I am one of there main stock guys that check everything into the building, hand out checks to distributors, order booze for people, my customer service game is right on point. I know most of the people that come into the store personally.

I had to call out Monday because my house furnace ran out of oil sunday night, sucked sludge from the bottom of the tank, and the car wouldn't start because it was so cold. So I had to make the car start, go get cans of fuel, back purge the furnace fuel line with air, and change the filter.

Tuesday, yesterday I went in at 9 normal time. Manager shows up at 10.30, sees me and waves for me to come over. I go to the office and he proceeds to tell me I'm not allowed to txt the group chat like that and asks what the problem is. I tell him I'm going broke working here. He says, Go somewhere else then. I say, OK I'm putting in my 2 weeks right now then because I can't lose all this $ I have in work for myself. He says OK. Like I'm just a worthless #.

So I work the day out and proceeded to txt this fool after work about how he bought 2 tesla's for him and his daughter for 150k and wouldn't fix the leaking roof that's dripping into our walk in beer cooler and filling up the electric light sockets. I then questioned him transporting booze between the 3 stores they own on there own like there not supposed to. Asked him how much $ a week he brings home from the store scheduling himself to come in at 9, showing up at 10.30.

Today he calls me and says I don't have to work the remainder of the 2 weeks, but I need to sign a paper stating that I quit on my own basically, so they can cover there asses from an unemployment claim. I wasn't ever going to try and claim, I couldn't because I was only part time any, but I will most certainly be wiping my ass with that paper.

I never even cursed at the man. I just told him flat out he was incompetent as a manager.

What do you all think? I'm just venting more then anything.

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