
I hate office jobs so much (21)

I hate my job. I’m antisocial because I want to be the forgotten employee. I don’t want to make small talk and pretend to care about someone’s kids I just want to clock in, clock out then go home. Call me antisocial I don’t care, I just don’t want to force painful small talk with people 10-20 years older than me with bad coffee breath who only talk about the weather or football with such a depressing somber tone in their voices no matter what they talk about. I hate offices so much and I’m glad I only have to be there twice a week. This job aged me years in months it’s so fucking dull and I come in every time with a look of resentment on my face and pity for those trapped in this prison of a job, whose best years are far behind them, only promising…

I hate my job. I’m antisocial because I want to be the forgotten employee. I don’t want to make small talk and pretend to care about someone’s kids

I just want to clock in, clock out then go home. Call me antisocial I don’t care, I just don’t want to force painful small talk with people 10-20 years older than me with bad coffee breath who only talk about the weather or football with such a depressing somber tone in their voices no matter what they talk about.

I hate offices so much and I’m glad I only have to be there twice a week. This job aged me years in months it’s so fucking dull and I come in every time with a look of resentment on my face and pity for those trapped in this prison of a job, whose best years are far behind them, only promising themselves to do this for a temp gig only to be sucked in for 20+ years.

I’d honestly rather die than stay there for 20 years tbh. I’ve applied to uni so this job will only last me until September if I get in. If not then guess I’m stuck with it.

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