
Illegal distribution of tips?

Hi y'all, I always see that this community is super bright and knows a lot about workers' rights, so I wanted to ask if something is wrong here. I'm leaving my job (AWWW YEA BABEY) on Sunday, 1/1. Pay periods athe Friday-Thursday every week, with our new paycheck coming every friday, and we are tipped employees. Our tips are pooled and then divided by the total number of labor hours to get a 'tip pay per hour': if you work more hours, you get a bigger share of tips. I worked 35.8 hours during the 12/23-12/29 pay period (christmas pay period), and will work 12 during the 12/30-1/5 pay period (new years pay period), as I'm quitting. However, this week, my boss went out of town early, and has decided to gather all the tips from 12/23-12/26 (NOT the full christmas pay period) for the christmas paycheck, and the tips…

Hi y'all, I always see that this community is super bright and knows a lot about workers' rights, so I wanted to ask if something is wrong here.

I'm leaving my job (AWWW YEA BABEY) on Sunday, 1/1. Pay periods athe Friday-Thursday every week, with our new paycheck coming every friday, and we are tipped employees. Our tips are pooled and then divided by the total number of labor hours to get a 'tip pay per hour': if you work more hours, you get a bigger share of tips.

I worked 35.8 hours during the 12/23-12/29 pay period (christmas pay period), and will work 12 during the 12/30-1/5 pay period (new years pay period), as I'm quitting. However, this week, my boss went out of town early, and has decided to gather all the tips from 12/23-12/26 (NOT the full christmas pay period) for the christmas paycheck, and the tips from 12/27-12/29 (end of christmas pay period) are going on the new years paycheck, where I have fewer hours and will receive an unfairly small share of the tips that were earned from christmas.

i know this woman and she hates me and would love to wrongly distribute a smaller share of tips to me, and that she's also not quite sharp enough to use a calculator correctly and 'accidentally messes up' our paychecks frequently. I'm confident she's going to apply the christmas week tips to the new years week labor hours. Is that legal, and is there anything I can do to stop her/any gov organizations to report it to? I'm in ohio if that matters. the best fitting regulations i can find are here:

“an employer that collects tips to facilitate a mandatory tip pool generally must fully redistribute the tips within the pay period”.

this makes it sound like i can get her in trouble?

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