
Job has been pulling me around for the last few months with no answers.

This is a rather long post and the grammar and punctuation may not be top tier so I do apologize. I work for a company that involves traveling and we have our own trucks and gas cards. Just need some insight on if I can due anything about this situation. Edit. I’ve tried looking for other jobs and when contacting HR they weren’t very helpful in sorting things. The company is slow during the winter so no work is to be expected but communication is something that should be expected. To start this off I took a leave of absence from my work in late October for personal issues and me moving to a different state. I contact my boss and we talk with HR and I’m granted a 30 day leave of absence and all I have to do is inform my boss when the 30 days are up…

This is a rather long post and the grammar and punctuation may not be top tier so I do apologize. I work for a company that involves traveling and we have our own trucks and gas cards. Just need some insight on if I can due anything about this situation.

Edit. I’ve tried looking for other jobs and when contacting HR they weren’t very helpful in sorting things. The company is slow during the winter so no work is to be expected but communication is something that should be expected.

  1. To start this off I took a leave of absence from my work in late October for personal issues and me moving to a different state. I contact my boss and we talk with HR and I’m granted a 30 day leave of absence and all I have to do is inform my boss when the 30 days are up that I’m ready to return.

  2. Nov. 11 I ask my boss how I would get my truck back and where exactly I’d be going upon my return. He asked which day I’d be back so I tell him the 18th(the 30th day of my allotted time). He doesn’t answer so I ask on the 17th if there is any update on what I’m to do which he replies “hell yeah when you coming back”. I asked again when I can to my truck and all my work items. He doesn’t answer

  3. Nov. 21st he texts me and asks when I’d like to get started back up and at this point I’m a little annoyed so I ask if after thanks giving would be possible. He agrees and Nov. 28th is agreed upon. We go back and forth about hotels and some other small things and I think to myself finally I’m heading back to work. He informs me a ride will be provided that Monday telling me I can catch a ride.

  4. Nov. 28th I text him asking about details on the ride I’m supposed to be catching for that day and he asks what town I’m in. I inform him for the 2nd time and he tells me he’ll see what he can do.

  5. Dec. 9th boss calls me and informs me another contract to work has opened up and my name has come up. I agree and he informs me an email will be sent over to accept the offer.

6.Dec 11th no email has been received so I text him asking for answers. He informs me I’m “definitely coming back” so I agree even tho I am frustrated at this point. I text him on the 13th about not having the email with no answer from him and on more time of the 16th with no answer again.

  1. I learn from a group chat of other employees of lay-off pay(unemployment) so I can HR to bring up the situation with my boss along with my unemployment. I’m informed I’m technically “in the field” so I cannot apply for unemployment. I’ve been off work for almost a month and half but still was some how I’m still out and working.

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