
$800 for a free trip

A family member works for a company that shall not be named and was recognized for going above and beyond with an “all expense paid” flight and stay at a resort rented out by the company. They use it has a yearly meeting of directors and higher ups and also as a way to show the shareholders how they give back to the lower paid employees. Baggage fees were to be reimbursed for travel and money given on a visa card for incidentals while there. Come to find out, the company views this as a gift and therefore my family member was taxed $800 for being recognized by the company they've worked at for over 25 years. Everyone that was brought on this trip are barely making over minimum wage and all of them were taxed. None of them were made aware of this before hand. And the baggage reimbursement…

A family member works for a company that shall not be named and was recognized for going above and beyond with an “all expense paid” flight and stay at a resort rented out by the company. They use it has a yearly meeting of directors and higher ups and also as a way to show the shareholders how they give back to the lower paid employees. Baggage fees were to be reimbursed for travel and money given on a visa card for incidentals while there.

Come to find out, the company views this as a gift and therefore my family member was taxed $800 for being recognized by the company they've worked at for over 25 years. Everyone that was brought on this trip are barely making over minimum wage and all of them were taxed. None of them were made aware of this before hand.

And the baggage reimbursement capped at $75 so not all of it was comped. I hope this company goes under.

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