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So this past week my company was going through an end of year audit, and while that is going on we can't do our normal jobs we just take inventory. Well fast forward to thursday, we were told by a higher up that friday would be paid after we finished whatever cleaning needed to be finished, some departments didnt even have to do anything for friday so they got the entire friday paid. Come today we find out that we didnt get paid for a full day on friday simply because we worked and then left early which we were told was fine. Other departments who didnt come in friday got an entire 8 hour day paid, please tell me is this even legal? I work and live in WV, sorry if this is all over the place still kinda pissed about it.

So this past week my company was going through an end of year audit, and while that is going on we can't do our normal jobs we just take inventory. Well fast forward to thursday, we were told by a higher up that friday would be paid after we finished whatever cleaning needed to be finished, some departments didnt even have to do anything for friday so they got the entire friday paid. Come today we find out that we didnt get paid for a full day on friday simply because we worked and then left early which we were told was fine. Other departments who didnt come in friday got an entire 8 hour day paid, please tell me is this even legal? I work and live in WV, sorry if this is all over the place still kinda pissed about it.

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