
Those of you who have anxiety – what do you do for work?

I 25F have severe anxiety (in therapy for it) and I picked a pretty terrible job knowing this. I work in HR at a very intense financial services company. The culture is cut-throat, paranoid, and political. Everyone is always on-edge and it's like code red is being called when a mistake is made. I can't take it – every day I'm on the verge of a panic attack, and the idea of going back tomorrow makes me want to die. I've accepted that I'm not cut out for roles like this and I've reached my breaking point. I'm ready to quit but I first need another job lined up. I don't think I want to be in HR anymore even if it was at a different company, but I'm not sure. My mom told me I should work for the government and I think there could be potential there, but…

I 25F have severe anxiety (in therapy for it) and I picked a pretty terrible job knowing this. I work in HR at a very intense financial services company. The culture is cut-throat, paranoid, and political. Everyone is always on-edge and it's like code red is being called when a mistake is made. I can't take it – every day I'm on the verge of a panic attack, and the idea of going back tomorrow makes me want to die. I've accepted that I'm not cut out for roles like this and I've reached my breaking point.

I'm ready to quit but I first need another job lined up. I don't think I want to be in HR anymore even if it was at a different company, but I'm not sure. My mom told me I should work for the government and I think there could be potential there, but I've been applying for a while now and haven't heard back.

So as I'm considering what I do next – I'm curious, what do those of you with anxiety do for work?

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