
Why is the US movement so chill ?

I’ll just translate what the thing says “ The company is to shutdown due to the owner wanting to relocate and maximize profits and so the employees wired up the factory with explosives” As you can understand it would making selling the factory very hard once it has been vaporized and gave incentives to owners to reconsider the losses coming with a shutdown hurting employees. Hell – it doesn’t need to go that far, from archive rooms being flooded by someone triggering sprinklers to angry protesting employees yeeting their forklifts in the river. US slaves – why y’all so chill ?

I’ll just translate what the thing says “ The company is to shutdown due to the owner wanting to relocate and maximize profits and so the employees wired up the factory with explosives”

As you can understand it would making selling the factory very hard once it has been vaporized and gave incentives to owners to reconsider the losses coming with a shutdown hurting employees.

Hell – it doesn’t need to go that far, from archive rooms being flooded by someone triggering sprinklers to angry protesting employees yeeting their forklifts in the river.

US slaves – why y’all so chill ?

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