Hello! I work for a very well known public health company in the UK and I am really struggling (like most) getting through the day. It’s not the patients, I am there for them, I adore them and want to do all I can. But I’m finding myself getting tearful daily at work. The job itself for the most part is fine apart from the staff shortages and not being able to give the care I want- however the atmosphere; higher management and middle management who constantly sit in the office putting pressure to cut corners and not give the care I want to are getting to me. I’ve been sworn at, other staff have too and have witnessed more and more aggressive behaviour and micro managing as people try and justify their roles. Removing myself from the situation (example working from home) isn’t an option in my role. So I’m just wondering if anyone else in the same boat had any tips on how to put up a bubble and remain sane? Much appreciated. Thank you in advance. X