
Employce Confidentiality, Non-Compete / Non-Solicit Agreement

So my company handed out new handbooks we have to sign and there’s this nice little clause that states “I will notify (redacted) promptly of all inventions, improvements, discoveries or methods relating to or useful in any business conducted by (redacted) now or in the future, which I make or discover while in employment of (redacted) assign to (redacted) all rights title and interest in such inventions, improvements discoveries and methods and any related or patent applications which pertain to business in which (redacted) is engaged, is reasonably expected to engage or in which is has previously expressed an intention to enter.” That can’t be legal right? It’s just intellectual theft.

So my company handed out new handbooks we have to sign and there’s this nice little clause that states “I will notify (redacted) promptly of all inventions, improvements, discoveries or methods relating to or useful in any business conducted by (redacted) now or in the future, which I make or discover while in employment of (redacted) assign to (redacted) all rights title and interest in such inventions, improvements discoveries and methods and any related or patent applications which pertain to business in which (redacted) is engaged, is reasonably expected to engage or in which is has previously expressed an intention to enter.”
That can’t be legal right? It’s just intellectual theft.

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