
Quit my job yesterday and I’m now taking personal satisfaction in hearing how freaked out my bosses are

So yesterday I quit without notifying the owners for where I worked. I resented the company and the owners themselves for reasons I won't get into, but are reasons most people here should be familiar with if you've seen the treatment retail workers usually get. One thing to note though is that the owners had been dangling a promotion over my head for two months before finally sending me the paperwork to actually get the promotion a few days ago. At that point I'd already decided to quit, but I straight up laughed at the pitiful raise they were offering for how much more work they were going to expect of me. I did tell my manager ahead of time so she could plan a schedule ahead of time, but her and I were pretty close and she had no intention of telling them either. I wake up today to…

So yesterday I quit without notifying the owners for where I worked. I resented the company and the owners themselves for reasons I won't get into, but are reasons most people here should be familiar with if you've seen the treatment retail workers usually get. One thing to note though is that the owners had been dangling a promotion over my head for two months before finally sending me the paperwork to actually get the promotion a few days ago. At that point I'd already decided to quit, but I straight up laughed at the pitiful raise they were offering for how much more work they were going to expect of me.

I did tell my manager ahead of time so she could plan a schedule ahead of time, but her and I were pretty close and she had no intention of telling them either.

I wake up today to a phone call (ignored) and a text from my boss asking why I quit when I was “such a terrific employee”. Meanwhile my manager has already told them about my plans to go back to school (dropped out a year ago), but they won't buy it and are even blaming her for my resignation. They've also contacted a few of my coworkers to try and get to me through them and see what the reason for my resignation is.

And I've been sitting at home all day in my pajamas just fuckin smiling at my phone while they freak out over this. I did apologize to my coworkers and manager for the bs going and any future bs, but they all shrugged it off and wished me luck in my future endeavors.

Some might say I'm being a petty asshole, but I haven't felt such self-satisfaction in a while.

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