
Cannabis Dispensary

I managed 1 of 5 cannabis locations for a company I worked for. One morning we had contractors doing work on our front door before we opened. During that time a customer walked in to make a purchase. I told her that we wouldn’t be open until 11:00am but that she could wait in the lobby until we were ready. It was maybe 10:45. She had no problem waiting and took a seat. My extremely anxiety ridden regional manager was in the store that morning and came in to the safe to tell me that we had a customer waiting in the lobby. I explained the situation and told her we would help her at 11:00. My manager looked extremely flustered and walked away. She came back a few minutes later to tell me that I needed to serve her. I explained that we were not approved by the state…

I managed 1 of 5 cannabis locations for a company I worked for. One morning we had contractors doing work on our front door before we opened. During that time a customer walked in to make a purchase. I told her that we wouldn’t be open until 11:00am but that she could wait in the lobby until we were ready. It was maybe 10:45. She had no problem waiting and took a seat. My extremely anxiety ridden regional manager was in the store that morning and came in to the safe to tell me that we had a customer waiting in the lobby. I explained the situation and told her we would help her at 11:00. My manager looked extremely flustered and walked away. She came back a few minutes later to tell me that I needed to serve her. I explained that we were not approved by the state to operate until 11:00 am. As she walked away I botched about how she was an idiot for not know the rules and asking me multiple time to do something that would jeopardize my status with the state as an industry agent. Welp she heard me. It was a Friday and I remember her very strangely telling me to enjoy my weekend, to which I told we that I had to come in on my days off to work. I was on salary 60-80 hours a week and wasn’t allowed to hire any full time employees, only part time. This made it impossible to delegate the tasks. She didn’t say anything and then her and the owner fired me on Monday . I proceeded to remind them that they were firing me for refusing to comply with them asking me to break the law. Fuck them. So glad to be gone.

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