
Was I fired or what?

So I worked at a food place up in northern idaho for a little over a year. I put in my notice that ends 1/13 to start this temp job to pay more. The first week of my notice I wasn’t put on the schedule. Today I got asked to return the store key before getting kicked out of the crew app. That being said- I can’t see the schedule for next week and I’m not involved in any of the conversations now. Does that mean I was fired?

So I worked at a food place up in northern idaho for a little over a year. I put in my notice that ends 1/13 to start this temp job to pay more. The first week of my notice I wasn’t put on the schedule. Today I got asked to return the store key before getting kicked out of the crew app. That being said- I can’t see the schedule for next week and I’m not involved in any of the conversations now.

Does that mean I was fired?

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