
Job hunting websites are trash.

I have worked in auto insurance very successfully in various roles for about 15 years now. I am lucky that I make a very good living, but I'm extremely burned out and severely depressed at this point. My job is not easy, takes years to learn well, and it's the type of role where you are constantly getting worked dumped on you and it is literally never ending. Needless to say, my mental health has spiraled a bit. My income is necessary for our household and I am afraid of letting my family down. So, I don't want to continue, despite my relative success within my industry. I was recently forced into a new role with my company, a company that I actually really like overall, that is the same pay as the job I had before … but will be 10x harder than my last role. At this point,…

I have worked in auto insurance very successfully in various roles for about 15 years now. I am lucky that I make a very good living, but I'm extremely burned out and severely depressed at this point. My job is not easy, takes years to learn well, and it's the type of role where you are constantly getting worked dumped on you and it is literally never ending. Needless to say, my mental health has spiraled a bit. My income is necessary for our household and I am afraid of letting my family down.

So, I don't want to continue, despite my relative success within my industry. I was recently forced into a new role with my company, a company that I actually really like overall, that is the same pay as the job I had before … but will be 10x harder than my last role. At this point, I'm looking completely outside of insurance for work, and I'm trying to pivot. Hence, these horrible job searching websites.

So here's a list of my gripes about these various shitty job hunting websites.

  • Lots of postings listed as “Remote” which then state you the to actually live in the area they have posted in. (Why don't the sites screen those?!)
  • Job “matches” are laughable. How are you recommending me for a highly specific field that I need a degree in?
  • The options of either Manually Entering your Resume or having the failure of an AI try to do it for you. (Hint: it never works well).
  • Having to pay premium services to just even talk to recruiters if they don't connect with you first (FU LinkedIn)
  • Horrible interfaces that make it hard to see what you're actually typing or where. Why would you make a one line box for me to enter the descriptions of my role? Why can't I easily go back to the last part of my application?
  • Salaries are often not listed, and often not even remotely accurate, and these websites do not penalize potential employers for those discrepancies.
  • Complete fucking redundancy. Do I really need to input every fucking thing from my resume onto your site? Here's my resume. Give me a job or fucking don't.

And on and on.

The whole job hunting process sucks. It's a joke.

TLDR: Job hunting sucks and the websites that most of us are forced to use are absolute trash.

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