
FTC Proposes Ban on Worker Non-Compete Clauses ​ From the article- didn't see it posted here and immediately thought of this sub when I saw it. ” The Federal Trade Commission proposed a rule banning non-compete clauses, contracts which prevent workers from joining competing companies after they leave their job, on Thursday morning. The agency stated that non-compete clauses harm healthy competition in the labor and product markets and block entrepreneurship, and estimated that the rule could increase workers’ earnings by almost $300 billion per year. “

From the article- didn't see it posted here and immediately thought of this sub when I saw it.

” The Federal Trade Commission proposed a rule banning non-compete clauses, contracts which prevent workers from joining competing companies after they leave their job, on Thursday morning. The agency stated that non-compete clauses harm healthy competition in the labor and product markets and block entrepreneurship, and estimated that the rule could increase workers’ earnings by almost $300 billion per year. “

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