
Nothing exasperates me more than being called in during vacation to work on a ‘big emergency rush’ only to see the product sit around for a week before being delivered…

I had scheduled for 2 additional days off after xmas to spend time with my wife and kids. On my last day off I am sitting at home finishing my breakfast about to spend some time playing video games with my wife and my phone rings. It is my boss, the owner of the company. He is telling me 'the customer is really beating us up over these parts and we really need your help!'. So being the dipshit I am I pack up my shit and go in (thankfully the commute is less than 5min) and get the programs and drawings over to the machine shop after a few hrs. So I go back home and come in the next day and the shop has finished the rush parts and they are sitting waiting to ship (this was the 29th). Friday night the parts are still sitting there waiting…

I had scheduled for 2 additional days off after xmas to spend time with my wife and kids. On my last day off I am sitting at home finishing my breakfast about to spend some time playing video games with my wife and my phone rings. It is my boss, the owner of the company. He is telling me 'the customer is really beating us up over these parts and we really need your help!'. So being the dipshit I am I pack up my shit and go in (thankfully the commute is less than 5min) and get the programs and drawings over to the machine shop after a few hrs. So I go back home and come in the next day and the shop has finished the rush parts and they are sitting waiting to ship (this was the 29th). Friday night the parts are still sitting there waiting to ship. New years weekend comes and goes, come into work tuesday morning, the parts are still sitting waiting to ship. Finally, this morning (the 5th of Jan), I watch the parts finally leave the buding to be delivered… I feel so gratified to have ruined the morning I meant to spend with my wife in order to ensure those parts could sit around forgotten for a week… This shit is getting old.

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