
I’m so tired…

I was let go this week from the best paying job I’ve ever had. What a way to start the new year right? I had only been given one official warning that I just needed to do better, other times it had been brought up only in conversation. In one-on-one meetings with my supervisor I was asked what I needed to help me get better. I explained that how I learned things is different from the typical box that society thinks everyone should fit into. I was promised that I’d get more tailored help but it was never delivered. I was never given any kind of structure or plan of what would be done to help me get more confident in the job. The initial training was weak in that it simply didn’t cover enough of what was going to be working with so I never had a god foundation…

I was let go this week from the best paying job I’ve ever had. What a way to start the new year right? I had only been given one official warning that I just needed to do better, other times it had been brought up only in conversation. In one-on-one meetings with my supervisor I was asked what I needed to help me get better. I explained that how I learned things is different from the typical box that society thinks everyone should fit into. I was promised that I’d get more tailored help but it was never delivered. I was never given any kind of structure or plan of what would be done to help me get more confident in the job. The initial training was weak in that it simply didn’t cover enough of what was going to be working with so I never had a god foundation from the start. Once i realized I wasn’t going to get help that way I tried to do it myself, which (once again) I’ve had to do over and over again since I was a child. I have lived with ADHD my whole life and it’s even worse now after DV trauma and other resulting mental conditions. I tried to explain that the way I learn things requires high level details that sometimes go beyond what the basics are. Those outlying details make it make sense to me. What I’m getting at is that I tried to explain some of these things to my supervisor but I was dismissed and simply told, “well just try to do better”. I wasn’t taken seriously
I learned recently that my mental conditions are officially considered disabilities now so I’m trying to get more info on it for my area. This has been very stressful and I’m having a hard time getting any motivation to keep trying.

I’m just so tired…

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