
Anyone Ever Feel Trapped?

I’ve been working at my job for the past 7 years. I’ve really hated it since day 1. It’s a lot of data entry and customer service. It’s a job that equally mind numbingly tedious and cripplingly stressful: it’s unreasonable turn arounds, insane work loads, and a lot of the clients (buyers) do what they want without accountably and just make the people in my position fix it. The first couple years working there I tried to find a new job. Had a couple interviews, nothing came of them, so I decided to go back to school (I already have a BA in communications, which was a stupid idea itself). In 2019 I got certified in E-commerce because I thought that might open new doors, and it did! I got a job in E-Commerce. I worked my new job happily,putting extra work in on the weekends because I was just…

I’ve been working at my job for the past 7 years. I’ve really hated it since day 1. It’s a lot of data entry and customer service. It’s a job that equally mind numbingly tedious and cripplingly stressful: it’s unreasonable turn arounds, insane work loads, and a lot of the clients (buyers) do what they want without accountably and just make the people in my position fix it.

The first couple years working there I tried to find a new job. Had a couple interviews, nothing came of them, so I decided to go back to school (I already have a BA in communications, which was a stupid idea itself). In 2019 I got certified in E-commerce because I thought that might open new doors, and it did! I got a job in E-Commerce. I worked my new job happily,putting extra work in on the weekends because I was just grateful to have a new job. Then a month into my new job I got fired. They said “I didn’t have the experience they thought I did and didn’t have six months to train me”

So I went back to my old job I hated, because it was familiar and I can’t afford to not have a job. I’ve been stuck there again for about a year now, looking for new jobs again, wishing everyday I didn’t have to do it anymore. Does anyone else feel like this? Almost like being trapped in your own life. How do you handle it?

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